Monthly Archives: August 2011

imagining the new world

there was this one Presidential candidate i wanted to meet when he ran for office…. it was Nicanor Perlas.

i never imagined i would one day be attending a workshop facilitated by him. it’s amazing how this same force would allow people of the same wavelength to come together and be one in an endeavor.

that happened first week of July fresh from graduating LEAP (the coaching program I enrolled too). I can still find it amazing how God gives me angels in every step of the way.

That everything happens according to plan in every step of the way…. if the desire is there….

and whenever i need clarification over something God sends signals… or answers from a book, a movie… a friend… a line… an insect.. an animal…. ahhhhh so many messages… not just snippets im getting.

i shall be sharing them soon…..

cheers to the new world… filled with love, light, joy and everlasting peace…….

there is no death… only LIFE. 🙂

with so much love,
