Category Archives: Life


It’s awesome how angels and crystals work with me the past few days.

A few days earlier I was at my crystal supplier getting my usual stocks.

My supplier began crunching up the numbers and the amount went up to 60K plus, and I was thinking of buying just around 40k 😝😁 

But, I want all of them for my next batch. 

And then at the corner of my eye, I was eyeing a pink and light green crystal called Kunzite. 

It really caught my attention among others. 

So, i picked it up along with a selenite wand. 

But, seeing the amount, I slowly returned the Kunzite and told my supplier, ill get this next time for myself. 

My supplier smiled and said: “Sige, kunin mo na. Sayo na.” 

My eyes went wide and i said: “Realllly?😍😍😍” 

Supplier G said: Really. It seems like you really like it. The crystals will bless me too naman. Lahat tayo will be blesed.

I was so happy receiving it.

And my heart was jumping with joy. And earlier she already gifted me and my mom with a real turquoise since we travel a lot daw. Its for protection. β€οΈπŸ’• She is so sweet and an angel. πŸ’•β€οΈ

But, what is amazing to me aside from having it for free.. Was when I searched the meaning.. It was definetly the stone I am needing! 

Kunzite is the stone of emotions and a healing stone for heartache.

How perfect is that? Of all the stone it is kunzite! This is the first time i encountered Kunzite and its just amazing to see the meaning.

Also, notice when I searched for the meaning it is 444. and it means the angels are by my side and that they want the best for me and assisting me with theor awesome unconditional love and frequency.

The angels are telling me that I am loved.

Awwww so sweet of you God! Thanks for sending me these angel messages. 😘😘😘

Animal Totem

Last week, my sister made me answer: the “Animal Totem Quiz”.

And I got hummingbird!! And my boo got my favorite.. butterfly!! Huwaaaa.

Anyway, a few days after, I saw 2 hummingbirds outside our home… but I couldn’t get a photo of them because they were darn too quick for me and the camera!

And today… what prompted me to acknowledge… the hummingbird?

Because, I had my third sign today…

One… it is Earth Day and if you do a Google Search … it feautures a Hummingbird to represent Earth Day.

And second? While I was…. browsing Facebook?

I saw an article: “How to attract hummingbirds in your backyard”.

And to that… I know repeating messages, are no joke….

and so with this post… I acknowledge… and say Yes to it.

Saying yes … to joy and lightness of being.

Later, I’ll post what hummingbirds are all about……



It’s St. Patrick’s Day and at the same time it’s Araw ng Davao month for our city….

But today, I got the word “BELIEVE” as a message. Huwaaaaaa. 4 signs of the word Believe came across today.

One, on a quote i found of a photo of AA Michael’s chapel… “To believe is to understand” and then two words on different tumblr list sets…. And another one came up during my conversation with Boo….


I’ll hold that in my heart.

I believe in all possibilities that our heart’s desires will come to pass…

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”


Oh below is a wonderful Divine photo … Which I will explain sometime soon… And Boo knows why.. And was very discerning to know it contains God’s message.


Owl always love you

We had a total of 9 signs of owls for the day! Its bee and I. Huwaat does it mean?


The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning, Athena and is even depicted on some Greco-Roman currency as a symbol of status, intelligence and of course, wealth.

Quick Meanings: Wisdom, Transition, mystery, Messages, Intelligence, mysticism, Protection, Secrets…

Similarly, West African and Aboriginal Australian cultures viewed the owl as a messenger of secrets, kin to sorcerers, as well as companions to seers, mystics and medicine people.

Huwaaa Aussieee? *wink wink*

Open to receiveeee!


i dreamed of a caterpillar growing bigger while it looks for a place to hang itself and become a cocoon. i was watching it the whole time and while it chose to spin itself there was some sort of interference but it was able to fulfill the cocoon. and i exclaimed: “wow! I’m witnessing metamorphosis!”

and then, i realized i was on a beach, it was a beach similar to hayahay… only different.. and on the beach side there was a table being set up, as different decorations mostly flowers on the table were being brought in. While, I was walking, a dog came up to me and curled beside my right feet and up to now, I can feel the fur. At first, I was the usual “scaredy cat”, I froze… but warmed up to it when I realized it was friendly and it won’t bite. And, I found out, I was actually in the middle of a wedding preparation. And I knew, it wasn’t me this time being wed… but I was a mere spectator. I began calling out names of childhood friends who did not make it to the event.

I did not know whose wedding it was, all I remembered I was telling everyone while admiring all the flowers and their different designs: “Wow, I want to learn how to become a florist….” while I was playing how it would be like if it were my business….



I deduced the meanings to…. TA-DA:

I’m undergoing a certain transition and rapid change in my life, watching the caterpillar with glee, there was a challenge, but the caterpillar got helped out.. So, meaning, I’m stepping into a new phase or stage of my life. The Dog represents… protection and intuition guiding me at the “right” path (it was on my right leg). And I agree that this will really help me, move forward and be successful in my endeavors. The dog can be someone I’m meeting *hint hint*.

The beach and the wedding, were both consistent that there would be a merging of two minds.. and hearts? πŸ˜› my feminine and masculine side. My, being open to the whole thing during the dream.. just surprising myself.. and not being sad, and actually quiet happy with the flowers i’m seeing, is an indication for positive and enjoyable things to come. And that my issues in life… regarding commitment.. is now changing… πŸ™‚

and finally flowers mean: “kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty, and gain. It is also symbolic of perfection and spirituality. Your dream may be an expression of love, joy and happiness” Weeeee and: “if they are blooming, represent your hidden potential and latent talents.”



Dream Meaning:

Metamorphosis: ToΒ see a metamorphosis take place in your dream denotes sudden and rapid changes in your personal life. The metamorphosis helps to draw attention to two different aspects of your life. If the metamorphosis is a smooth one, then it indicates some changes are necessary for you to adapt to a new situation.Β  (it was smooth naman eh..)

I tried caterpillar and here it is: And if you dream that you are changing into a butterfly, it means that you are very near to achieving the transformation in yourself that you desire.


For Dog:

To see a dog in your dream symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. The dream dog may also represent someone in your life who exhibits these qualities. Alternatively, to see a dog in your dream indicates a skill that you may have ignored or forgotten.


To see the beach in your dream symbolizes the meeting between your two states of mind. Beaches in dreams, whatever their appearance or your actions during the dream, tend to be a very positive sign regarding your life.Β  Beaches suggest that there are going to be some extremely enjoyable times approaching.


To see or attend a wedding in your dream symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your current life.A wedding reflects your issues about commitment and independence. If you dream that you are attending a wedding, consider how you feel at the wedding. If you are upset or sad, then it means that you are unhappy about the current status of your life. If you are happy, then you are embracing a new change in your life.


To see colorful flowers in your dream signify kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty, and gain. It is also symbolic of perfection and spirituality. Your dream may be an expression of love, joy and happiness. Alternatively, flowers in dream, especially if they are blooming, represent your hidden potential and latent talents.


Photo Source:


eatin ice cream

I dreamed i was eating ice cream last night…..


To see or eat ice cream in your dream denotes good luck, pleasure, success in love and satisfaction with your life. You need to savor the moment and enjoy it.Β  Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you need to cool off and not let your temper get out of hand. On the other hand, the ice cream may be a pun on “I scream”. Perhaps there is something that you need to let out.


I’d take the first meaning! woot woot. *high hopes & happy thoughts*

white dress

I dreamed I was getting married. to whom? Unfortunately, I didn’t catch a glimpse of my groom. Nor, did I get to the point of seeing him or even a shadow.

All I know was that, I was being prepared to be married….wearing a gown and a veil and uhh.. it’s still vague.. there are only traces of the dream left now…

maybe, i dreamed about it because I’ve been looking for gifts for 4 couples i know who are getting married this year. I’m actually invited to 6 weddings. 3 out of town. 2 already passed by, and I did not get to attend them because they were all in Luzon.

Anyway, here are the possible meanings:

As a general rule of thumb, dreams of a wedding indicate that you can look forward to some happy times ahead. While they may not last very long, they may be a welcome reprieve from various strains and tensions that you are dealing with now.


So, I’ll be expecting.. Happy Times! Woot

A wedding may also indicate that two aspects of your inner landscape are about to merge, or evolve into something new. Depending on the kind of things you want to do in your life, this can be very positive and rewarding in the long term.

This interpretation can be related to my repeating 333 signs the past few days. Which means, there are areas in my life that needs balancing. Or in this case… that needs to merge.

Mmmmm.. maybe because… I’m also on my Day 4 of Tomatis… that’s why the merging of the inner landscape is happening… We’ll see.

Portal Opening on May 25, 2013

It’s the time of the year folks when the pearly gates of zee portals will open.. this coming full moon – May 25, 2013.

A very strong timeline runs through the date of May 25th. On May 25th, 1975 the whole 50 year proceess of the planetary liberation has started. On May 25th, 2010 a special portal called Mission Blue Shield was activated and it marked the beginning of the downfall of the Archons. And now on May 25th, 2013, we will open the Portal. The purpose of the Portal is to liberate humanity from the grip of the negative energy grid that was enslaving humanity since late Atlantis.

We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, at the moment of the opening of the Portal, which comes on May 25th at 12 hours 12 minutes PDT. “
For more details visit: May 25, 2013 Portal Opening

Easter and Birthings

we believe God wants you to know that …

there is a time for birth

What is within you crying out to be birthed into the world right now? What talent do you have that is ready to be used? What project have you been endlessly thinking about that is ready to be birthed into physical reality? And what dreams do you have for this precious planet? God can help midwife your dreams.

this is a great snippet!! πŸ™‚

and during one of the meditations at the end of Ikepono… i got this: “business,finance + teach”. Guess, I’m on the right path. 6 months ago it was “Learning + Teach”. Now, it’s time to go get some moolah.. wherever that is. πŸ™‚

can i have snippets of my lovelife please? hihi. πŸ™‚

Smile and Remember


Here’s a CWG: “God wants you to know” by Neale

nothing costs as little and is worth as much as a smile.

Relax, let yourself smile, and see the light come back to you tenfold.

Which is a good reminder… since last March 20, 2013 wa

s the International Happiness

Day! Well, who

says it has to be limited to a day? Might extend it for the rest of the year! πŸ™‚


Anyhoo… lately the past few weeks… I’ve encountered many “orphans”. What is the message? In Bohol, there were 2 orphans I’ve met… I’m messaging one who has become quiet close past few days who is an orphan as well… when I went to Tagum, I met another orphan.

and I’m reading a book.. and guess what? the male lead is also an orphan…

Mmmm? What is the message??

Here’s an excerpt from the Bible:

Isiah 1:17 –Β Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.

According to archetypes:

The mythic orphan established as a convention of mythology beginning in the creation myths of the world, is still going strong in the box office. Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Superman, Batman, Spiderman, are among the better known contemporary reincarnations of the archetype.

Tristan, like King Arthur and a host of Celtic heroes, are both bastards and an orphan. Just as Harry Potter is both a foundling and an orphan, which Freud and Jung refer to as overdetermination of symbols. The associated motifs of the foster parents and the precocious and exceptional gifts of the orphan-hero are conventions of the motif.

As a psychological symbol it can be interpreted as a metaphor of our existential condition. The orphan is a symbol of the quest/ion of origins and identity i.e. the quest for Selfhood. “Who am I?” is the archetypal mystery embodied by all mythic orphans and their quest are always in part or in whole – a search for origins, true nature and identity.

So, I guess that’s about it…. and it’s meaning. I feel those people I’ve met are destined for great things and those who would stay quiet a bit longer in my life… my job is to lead and journey with them back to love. It’s also a good reminder to look within… and mull over “Who am I” … my origin.. my true identity – in Spirit.

Photo Source: Whimsical Epiphany