Category Archives: Angels


It’s awesome how angels and crystals work with me the past few days.

A few days earlier I was at my crystal supplier getting my usual stocks.

My supplier began crunching up the numbers and the amount went up to 60K plus, and I was thinking of buying just around 40k 😝😁 

But, I want all of them for my next batch. 

And then at the corner of my eye, I was eyeing a pink and light green crystal called Kunzite. 

It really caught my attention among others. 

So, i picked it up along with a selenite wand. 

But, seeing the amount, I slowly returned the Kunzite and told my supplier, ill get this next time for myself. 

My supplier smiled and said: “Sige, kunin mo na. Sayo na.” 

My eyes went wide and i said: “Realllly?😍😍😍” 

Supplier G said: Really. It seems like you really like it. The crystals will bless me too naman. Lahat tayo will be blesed.

I was so happy receiving it.

And my heart was jumping with joy. And earlier she already gifted me and my mom with a real turquoise since we travel a lot daw. Its for protection. ❤️💕 She is so sweet and an angel. 💕❤️

But, what is amazing to me aside from having it for free.. Was when I searched the meaning.. It was definetly the stone I am needing! 

Kunzite is the stone of emotions and a healing stone for heartache.

How perfect is that? Of all the stone it is kunzite! This is the first time i encountered Kunzite and its just amazing to see the meaning.

Also, notice when I searched for the meaning it is 444. and it means the angels are by my side and that they want the best for me and assisting me with theor awesome unconditional love and frequency.

The angels are telling me that I am loved.

Awwww so sweet of you God! Thanks for sending me these angel messages. 😘😘😘

Waves awashin

Dreaming of waves is a becoming common in my dreams.

Last month, I had two.

This month, I had another one.

And it’s usually me enjoying but at the same time terrified of the waves… and I usually get out of it and make it to the shore unharmed. But, of course, there’s a little scare while riding the waves. And after the ride…. I’d go and say: “Wow!”

To dream that you are caught in a tidal wave represents an overwhelming emotional issue that demands your attention. You may have been keeping your feelings and negative emotions bottled up inside for too long. You may be holding back tears that you are afraid to express in your waking life. On a positive note, the tidal wave symbolizes the clearing away of old habits. If you are carried away by the tidal wave, then it means that you are ready to make a brand new start in a new place.

Well, I guess it’s probably bottled emotions… but then I am able to express and cry it all in bedroom naman eh!

But, at least .. in my dreams I always made it to shore… alive and relieved… and even sometimes wanting to ride the waves again. Amfftt T_T

Guide in Angel Card Reading


You have been directed to read the following before our distant angel card reading session.

What is angel oracle card reading?

In the ancient times as often depicted jn movies, in their journey or quests and they need to piece a puzzle they look for an oracle to answer their questions.
Usually for words of wisdom and oftentimes they dont come easy because they give out riddles.

It works the same way, only better because it is not in riddles.

Note that this is different from fortune telling, and should be a tool that motivates you to keep you going in whatever direction you are heading and realizing the blocks/challenges along the way.

Why angels?

It is in our best understanding that the angels are there wanting to assist us in all levels. But angels cannot if youdon’t ask them because they have a silent code they follow: non interference to the free will of a human being.

All the answers provided in the reading session are actually answers that you already know. It will just be highlighted or affirmed and makes you really focus on the issue at hand.

Starting the Session:

It is best to approach the session with an open heart, mind and soul and come relaxed….

We start with a prayer… to call on the angels to guide us.

We pick out a card: to ask who is our guiding angel for the reading…


you think of a Question. One question per reading. Make sure your question starts with: How, What or Why.

Question examples:
What is your message for me today?
What should I learn from this situation?
Why does this pattern keep repeating?
How will i get through this situation (explain details).

Please be specific with your question as well.

Questions that is answerable by yes or no is discouraged. You can use that for 8balls 🙂

You need not share to me your question but it would help if you share it to me because we can process the answers of the angels together.

Sometimes, the angel cards won’t answer your question for the following reasons:

1. You were not clear enough
2. An issue/concern of your life is more important than the question at hand
3. It is related to your question as the “root cause”.

All readings are 100% accurate. 

Once the question is ready you will be asked to take a deep breath and say: Start

and i will start shuffling your cards…

When you feel it is so.. Just say: Stop

And i will stop.. The top card will be the answer and it will be sent to you as soon as possible…

Then processing….

Energy Exchange:

A certain form of energy exchange is requested to complete the giving-receiving cycle. In order, for the blessings to continue to move thru you.

Distant Angel Reading Basic: 200

Angel Reading via phone/fb messenger: 450

Live Session – In person reading: 700 

Hope this helps! Have a great day!

Animal Totem

Last week, my sister made me answer: the “Animal Totem Quiz”.

And I got hummingbird!! And my boo got my favorite.. butterfly!! Huwaaaa.

Anyway, a few days after, I saw 2 hummingbirds outside our home… but I couldn’t get a photo of them because they were darn too quick for me and the camera!

And today… what prompted me to acknowledge… the hummingbird?

Because, I had my third sign today…

One… it is Earth Day and if you do a Google Search … it feautures a Hummingbird to represent Earth Day.

And second? While I was…. browsing Facebook?

I saw an article: “How to attract hummingbirds in your backyard”.

And to that… I know repeating messages, are no joke….

and so with this post… I acknowledge… and say Yes to it.

Saying yes … to joy and lightness of being.

Later, I’ll post what hummingbirds are all about……



It’s St. Patrick’s Day and at the same time it’s Araw ng Davao month for our city….

But today, I got the word “BELIEVE” as a message. Huwaaaaaa. 4 signs of the word Believe came across today.

One, on a quote i found of a photo of AA Michael’s chapel… “To believe is to understand” and then two words on different tumblr list sets…. And another one came up during my conversation with Boo….


I’ll hold that in my heart.

I believe in all possibilities that our heart’s desires will come to pass…

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”


Oh below is a wonderful Divine photo … Which I will explain sometime soon… And Boo knows why.. And was very discerning to know it contains God’s message.


snippet from another person’s prayer

“you know what…. the right person will come at the right time..” and at the back of my head, there was this voice saying.. listen to her.. I’m speaking through her… “God, will give it to you.. the perfect Gift… God will tell you, I know it. You will hear it, when He tells you. He’d know you, because you came from him. You came from the man’s ribs…. ”

“But how? What if it’s just my mind saying…?”

“You would know it…. you know what I did? I fasted 21 days… and I heard him loud and clear as to who to marry. I know you would hear it..”

and then she laid her hands on me…and prayed…..

“Dear God, I declare that Tina will find the love of her life, that you will give her man that is suited for her.. ”

to which I really drank on the words…. and I responded with tears of joy… because I know… at that time..I am grateful God answered my prayer.. with a blessing from another.

an angel’s fave place

Ever felt an angel’s breath in the gentle breeze? A teardrop in the falling rain? Hear a whisper amongst the rustle of leaves? Or been kissed by a lone snowflake? Nature is an angel’s favourite place. – Carrie Latel

Waking up on 23

Awhile ago, I had my alarm on 6:00am. But, i was just so tired, I just snoozed it and went back to sleep.
Then, in the middle….. I dreamt that I woke up (all the while thin

king I was awake!) and checked my phone… and the time said: 23:23.

And inside my dream… I kind of panicked! Omg! It’s way past my scheduled time… I slept that longgggg???

But, when I really woke up… the time was: 8:11 or something…..

And I realized… my phone watch wasn’t set to the 24hour format… I only use the 12 hour format! So, it was really a dream.


23 Angel Numbers from Doreen Virtue:

You are working closely with one or more Ascended Masters such as Jesus, Moses, the Saints or the goddesses. This is a message from your ascended master guides, who can see that the answer to your prayers is within reach. They encourage you to stay positive to ensure that you attract the best possible outcome.

And in the 24 hour format… 23:23 would be 11:11

and just today I encountered both 11:11 on the clock!!!!

and now as I am writing this!

what’s your number lately?


cheers to numbers and 23,


143 everywhere.

It has been quiet

sometime lately that I always see 143 everywhere!

And it took me awhile to really research what it could possibly mean: and here’s what I got from Sacred Scribes and Numbers:
(this will be lengthy but i’m posting all this because I want this as a reference:)
Number 143 is made up of the vibrations and energies of the numbers 1, 4 and 3.  Number 1 brings with it the attributes of initiative, instinct and intuition, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and a fresh approach.  It also relates to motivation, striving forward and progress, and reminds us that we create our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Number 4 resonates with patience and practicality, hard work and effort, building solid foundations, our passion and drive, and achieving success.  Number 4 relates to working determinedly towards achieving our goals and aspirations.  Number 3 brings its vibrations of growth and expansion, sensitivity, self-expression, creativity, joy and optimism.  Number 3 is also the vibration of the Ascended Masters and indicates that they are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist withmanifesting your desires. The Masters are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within.

Angel Number 143 is a message from your angels and theAscended Masters to maintain a positive attitude and viewpoint in regards to all aspects of your life.  When you hold positive thoughts it attracts positive energies and desired outcomes.  Feel free to ask for angelic guidance, help and assistance any time you feel the need.

Angel Number 143 encourages you to look at your current home and lifestyle and consider ways to uplift your environment in order to usher in more positive energies.  Do not be afraid to express yourself with joy, optimism and creativity.  Add beauty to your environment and everyday life.

Angel Number 143 suggests that if you act with caution and wisdom you will find success in business and money matters and in life in general.  The timing is right to begin worthwhile projects that will bring long-term benefits and future success.  A happy outcome follows your positive expectations.  Be assured that positive outcomes are on the horizon when the Angel Number 143 appears repeatedly.

Angel Number 143 indicates that the Ascended Masters are with you, giving you courage to make life changes that will help you to work on your Divine life purpose.

this time, a feather.

the feather!

I was sending loving energies to a long time family friend who asked for healing energies(Bhet therapy from a distance) as she is feeling discomfort. And i was focusing on just that. just then, i had this sort of flash of a white vintage lady while my eyes were closed. but, i was thinking.. well that was some random image on my head i think. i went to the bathroom to wash my hands (as i was handling some money) then on the mirror.. i saw a white feather on top of my head!

and i was like! Oh my! a message! i was in no way near a chicken the past few days… or anything feathery or with white feathers!!! I AM SO HAPPYYY!!!!

Thank you dear angels. They say, this is an omen that one is on the right track or to answer a call.. mhmmm… thank you dear angels! so closer now!