Monthly Archives: May 2013

white dress

I dreamed I was getting married. to whom? Unfortunately, I didn’t catch a glimpse of my groom. Nor, did I get to the point of seeing him or even a shadow.

All I know was that, I was being prepared to be married….wearing a gown and a veil and uhh.. it’s still vague.. there are only traces of the dream left now…

maybe, i dreamed about it because I’ve been looking for gifts for 4 couples i know who are getting married this year. I’m actually invited to 6 weddings. 3 out of town. 2 already passed by, and I did not get to attend them because they were all in Luzon.

Anyway, here are the possible meanings:

As a general rule of thumb, dreams of a wedding indicate that you can look forward to some happy times ahead. While they may not last very long, they may be a welcome reprieve from various strains and tensions that you are dealing with now.


So, I’ll be expecting.. Happy Times! Woot

A wedding may also indicate that two aspects of your inner landscape are about to merge, or evolve into something new. Depending on the kind of things you want to do in your life, this can be very positive and rewarding in the long term.

This interpretation can be related to my repeating 333 signs the past few days. Which means, there are areas in my life that needs balancing. Or in this case… that needs to merge.

Mmmmm.. maybe because… I’m also on my Day 4 of Tomatis… that’s why the merging of the inner landscape is happening… We’ll see.

Portal Opening on May 25, 2013

It’s the time of the year folks when the pearly gates of zee portals will open.. this coming full moon – May 25, 2013.

A very strong timeline runs through the date of May 25th. On May 25th, 1975 the whole 50 year proceess of the planetary liberation has started. On May 25th, 2010 a special portal called Mission Blue Shield was activated and it marked the beginning of the downfall of the Archons. And now on May 25th, 2013, we will open the Portal. The purpose of the Portal is to liberate humanity from the grip of the negative energy grid that was enslaving humanity since late Atlantis.

We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, at the moment of the opening of the Portal, which comes on May 25th at 12 hours 12 minutes PDT. “
For more details visit: May 25, 2013 Portal Opening