Monthly Archives: October 2012

Waking up on 23

Awhile ago, I had my alarm on 6:00am. But, i was just so tired, I just snoozed it and went back to sleep.
Then, in the middle….. I dreamt that I woke up (all the while thin

king I was awake!) and checked my phone… and the time said: 23:23.

And inside my dream… I kind of panicked! Omg! It’s way past my scheduled time… I slept that longgggg???

But, when I really woke up… the time was: 8:11 or something…..

And I realized… my phone watch wasn’t set to the 24hour format… I only use the 12 hour format! So, it was really a dream.


23 Angel Numbers from Doreen Virtue:

You are working closely with one or more Ascended Masters such as Jesus, Moses, the Saints or the goddesses. This is a message from your ascended master guides, who can see that the answer to your prayers is within reach. They encourage you to stay positive to ensure that you attract the best possible outcome.

And in the 24 hour format… 23:23 would be 11:11

and just today I encountered both 11:11 on the clock!!!!

and now as I am writing this!

what’s your number lately?


cheers to numbers and 23,


Watery Emotions

Last night, i was flipping channels on TV (which I rarely do), and saw this Filipino documentary which features the stingray and some sharks… and guess what… when i switched channels.. it’s a cartoon of stingrays and sharks on the next program!!!

I found that fishy… and thought it was a symbol… it didn’t come in three’s but I was curious enough to search:
Here you go for Stingrays:

Stingrays may be telling you to not overreact to your emotions, to calm down and wait before reacting.  Balance and restraint are strong themes of this totem animal. When it appears to you consider your actions carefully and allow your intuition to guide you rather than raw emotion. – Totem Wisdom

For Sharks:

  • Be active in life.
  • Attune to natural instinct.
  • Be propelled forward (do not regress) in your evolution.
  • Although surrounded by emotions, you need not be consumed by them.
  • Swim the path of least resistance in life, be efficient and direct in your navigations.   – What’s Your Sign

And both of these creatures, I deem to have negative connotations. But, now… looking at and perceiving what they actually symbolizes… I changed my mind. I’m super amazed with sharks…. 😉

So, what’s the connection with them in my life?

It’s quiet perfect because it is dealing with my emotions… and it seems like it’s on the edge now… teetering…  it was right with the stingray… to not overreact with my emotions.. because I do that lately. So… it calls for me to balance and restrain…trust my intuition. 🙂

and it is being supported by the shark telling me… to attune to my natural and ancient instinct .. and to swim the path of least resistance… and to master my emotions!!! 🙂

Thanks for the snippets dear angels!!! 🙂


Photo Source: Lexingtionthegreat