Category Archives: Society

Portal Opening on May 25, 2013

It’s the time of the year folks when the pearly gates of zee portals will open.. this coming full moon – May 25, 2013.

A very strong timeline runs through the date of May 25th. On May 25th, 1975 the whole 50 year proceess of the planetary liberation has started. On May 25th, 2010 a special portal called Mission Blue Shield was activated and it marked the beginning of the downfall of the Archons. And now on May 25th, 2013, we will open the Portal. The purpose of the Portal is to liberate humanity from the grip of the negative energy grid that was enslaving humanity since late Atlantis.

We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, at the moment of the opening of the Portal, which comes on May 25th at 12 hours 12 minutes PDT. “
For more details visit: May 25, 2013 Portal Opening

The Swarm


What an unusual sound. When I checked what was going outside, lo and behold a swarm of bees surrounded the half part of our garden, near our patio.

At first glance, the thought: “Uh oh…. can’t go out of the house now. What if they don’t leave?”

But, then…. observing them from a distance, and how unusual it is for them to be swarming at our home (it’s my first time to see them that many), I suddenly remembered the growing concern about the population of the bees.

And how bees are vital to our cycle. That even, Einstein and Steiner themselves emphasized their role, biologically.

A surge of gratefulness filled my heart, as I saw them en masse…. it gave me hope, that we can live beyond the four years prediction when they disappear from  Planet Earth.

Good thing, more and more people are becoming aware of their importance, and I heard two or three from our community who are into bee keeping now… (Mr Nic Perlas, Tito Leo Avila and Kuya Jude of Bayawan).

and yes, they swarmed our home, because I found out they have a previous hive in a corner of our house. And yes, they have returned. It did not cause any problem to us, so I guess letting them stay there is okay, besides our home is safe from all chemicals and pesticides anyway… they can pollinate to their hearts content.

Also in animal symbol:

Bees are a symbol of hope and an inspiration for cleanliness, social organization, diligence, tireless work, honey-sweet rhetoric, intelligence and poetry. 😉 The bee seems to be a symbol of the original source of all life and inspiration. Indeed, the bee was usually looked upon as a symbol of the potency of nature, because while creating a magickal elixir, known for its preservation properties, they were also pollinating flowers, increasing plant fertility, and abundance. Because of these symbolic meanings, the bee has been used as an emblem by those who wish to associate themselves with the inspiration of the Gods.

The bee and its wax are important symbols for initiates of mystery religions. Beeswax was prized for the making of votive images in Pagan temples. Wax representations of various parts of the body in need of healing were offered to the Gods.

Not just the wax, but all the produce of the bee was special and sacred, for it was honey or ambrosia on which the gods dined, and which gave them their immortality.

The bee was even considered symbolic of Christ and Mary, for the bees were said to “produce posterity yet retain their virginity”.

Source: MISSY

I could write the entire article, because I was just so amused with what BEES stands for.

Now, I’m loving the bees…….

Do, take care of the BEES!

It’s a message from my angels once again…… 🙂